Artist Profile – Erica Williams of Lemonsugarillo


Have you ever just looked at a piece of art and it resonates with you?  The artwork of Erica Williams of Lemonsugarillo does just that. I’m beyond thrilled to share with you her up and coming illustration company Lemonsugarillo on the blog today.

What is Lemonsugarillo? 

Lemonsugarillo is my ever-evolving creative space for self, growth, and celebration. In this space I explore the divinity within black women and girls in all states of being. I strive to document my process of being myself unapologetically and fully through my work, while holding a space for others to do the same.


Lemonsugarillo is such and interesting and unique name. How did you come up with it?

I was actually brainstorming different ways to use my name or initials in my business name to no avail. I fell asleep during this process, woke up in a daze and said “Lemonsugar” and then fell back asleep. When I woke up fully later in the day, the name stuck. The name Lemonsugar embodies the duality that is present within myself, as well as the pieces I create. I am the little girl that grew into an adult woman, that little girl is still present within me. The work I create has elements of cuteness, whimsy, and joy. However, there is an adult woman behind the art that has had some sour experiences that along with the sweet influence my perspective. Plus sometimes I cuss, so I didn’t want to give off the wrong idea that my work or the space I was creating and cultivating was going to be all goody gumdrops. Thus, Lemonsugar Illustration was born! A year later I condensed it to Lemonsugarillo. I found with trying to create accounts and space online, the name was very long and for some accounts too long. So, I needed to find a way to condense the name, so I dropped the illustration and used the shorthand illo, and it worked perfectly.



Why did you start Lemonsugarillo? 

Initially, I started Lemonsugarillo simply because I couldn’t get a job as a graphic designer. Because of my aesthetic I didn’t really fit the mold of an agency designer I always did well on interviews and received compliments on my work, but hiring managers didn’t know where to place me. They really rested on the idea that somebody would eventually pick me up, and because everyone shared this sentiment I ended up being unemployed for 2 years. I’ve always pushed representation and diversity in my work and I found that within the arena I was trying to be apart of, this push was policed in many ways disguised as “art direction”. After playing by “their” rules, feeling unfulfilled and tired of creating and providing a visual voice for everyone else but myself. I decided to do it my way, to create what I wanted, when I wanted, and with whom I wanted.


What’s next for Lemonsugarillo? 

I just launched my website on Black Friday. I’m currently offering prints of my artwork and accessories with my prints on them to the public. On a wider scale I definitely want to get into animation, feature films, and comics. Really just about anything media based, and as always continue to learn and grow as an artist, and share that growth and love with people.


What do you want people to take away from your work?

Whatever they need or desire to extract from my work. I do my best to not concern myself, over think, or control how others receive my work. Everyone will have their own experience with it and honestly that’s what I desire. Experience it; take what you need, and some extra to share with someone else. I have found focusing more on the craft and the root connection I have to an idea and inspiration of a piece, keeps me in flow of creating from a place of love and authenticity. This focus removes the pressure to “perform” to the perception of others and simply create what I love and what I am connected to.


 Creator of Lemonsugarillo

Erica Williams

Lemonsugarillo just launched its website recently. I highly suggest checking it out and stocking up on holiday gifts!









6 thoughts on “Artist Profile – Erica Williams of Lemonsugarillo

  1. I love her artwork and she describes herself perfectly, which is a refreshing touch of self-awareness. When looking at the pieces you get that sense of whimsical mixed with maturity and it’s amazing. I would love to see this style in motion, does she work with animators at all?


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